Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Been lurkin' for a long time...

Greetings and salutations!  

My name is Erin and I am an avid consumer and doer of crafty things.  I LOVE craft blogs and I read a ton regularly. There a few things better than stumbling upon a really great blog. After a long day of work I love coming home and hunkering down with my laptop and catch up with what "my pals" are up to.  That sounds creepy, but I mean well! I'm finally taking the leap and starting my very own.  I've been making too many excuses: "My pictures sucks!" "I don't know what to write about!" "Next year when I'm more interesting I will start!"

Enough, brain!  Just dive in.

With this blog I hope to share my projects and connect with other crafty peeps. Knitting is my thang, but I just learned how to sew and I'm trying to figure out crochet!  Who knows, maybe there will be a little bit of cooking/baking too!

That's me!  Coming down from the high that is completing your first sewing project!
....Definitely a total sewing newbie.

See ya around!
